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Cloud service providers that have extensive tools and solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis. Clients will often use this in combination with autoscaling.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that provides a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning, alongside a set of management tools.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure, often referred to as Azure, is a cloud computing platform run by Microsoft. It offers access, management, and the development of applications and services through global data centers.

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud is a set of cloud computing services for business offered by the information technology company IBM.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Cloud is a cloud computing service offered by Oracle Corporation providing servers, storage, network, applications and services through a global network of Oracle Corporation managed data centers.

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud, also known as Aliyun, is a cloud computing company, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group. Alibaba Cloud provides cloud computing services to online businesses and Alibaba's own e-commerce ecosystem.